An important wooden base, an almost suspended marble top and a central leg that runs along its entire length, supporting it. Three elements, a meeting of proportions and balances that can be reconfigured in a multitude of cantilevered tables with an asymmetrical design, in which once can see the shapes of a trampoline or the appearance of the famous Fallingwater house by Frank Lloyd Wright. The tables are available in two sizes and color variants, both with an open-pore solid ash base in order to reveal the grain and intensity of this noble material.
Cod. 1TRA102
W 102 D 102 H 34 cm
Cod. 1TRA60
W 60 D 60 H 44 cm

Monica Förster
Monica是现代瑞典设计界最受人喜爱的口译员之一,Monica Förster在斯德哥尔摩工作,但她是在北极圈附近的地方出生长大,这种环境对她的工作有显著的影响, 这种影响体现在她对纯粹形状和灵感的自然来源的热爱上, 同时她对新材料和技术充满了好奇。她与许多国际客户合作,经常在工业、家具和物体设计领域发明新的产品品类。曾获瑞典优秀设计奖、德国设计加奖、未来设计日奖等荣誉。