Cat. L: Lorita

Composition: 100% Pl
Test: • lightfastness: 4/5, EN ISO 105-B02 • pilling: 4/5, EN ISO 105-X12
Washing: dry cleaning
Application: home upholstered furniture
Colour: little difference may occur
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Tacchini大楼的特点是建筑结构分为两层,融合了材料和空间,融合成一个完 整的整体,表达了它的精神和本质。每一件物品,每一件家具都带有意大利设 计的特色。
Like snapshots of real life, there are key players who make the stories they tell unique: in the house of Tacchini, designers are honoured guests who dress its secret rooms. Great masters who narrate their stories to their disciples, like parents who enable their children to dream before they even fall asleep: all gathered around a hearth that burns with passion and creativity. Designs become places to be explored and missions to be accomplished, moments to be experienced, and remembered forever.
在Tacchini,手是他们学会驾驭的第一个工具,他们沿袭了用手来辨别材料的质量和 价值的传统,改造它们,缝制它们,并将它们组合在一起:遵循古老的节奏,追溯和 打磨历史与记忆。
对质量的关注始于材料的选择,材料本身就能传达强烈的感觉,而对细节的重视和技 术创新又进一步增强了这种关注,这些在Tacchini设计的每件作品和每一个空间中都 是显而易见的。
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Composition: 100% Pl
Test: • lightfastness: 4/5, EN ISO 105-B02 • pilling: 4/5, EN ISO 105-X12
Washing: dry cleaning
Application: home upholstered furniture
Colour: little difference may occur